Dust . . . The four letter word we all LOVE to hate . . .
And yes, it does seem futile at times to get control of the nano-particles.
Now, I dream of the day I make enough money to hire someone to clean for me - but no, I am not there yet. So, here are a few tips I found, and some of my own, to help with dust.
First, dust particles collect on the surface and in the folds of bedding, and this is the one place we need dust free. In order to keep the dust to a minimum, change the bedding often. When washing, do so on hot water (unless you really are concerned about the color on some comforters being washed out).
Second, sweep and mop the floors regularly. Don't forget the tops of shelves and cabinets or the ceiling fans.
I admit, I don't always get into the corners, but even a quick sweeping and mopping through the traffic areas and just outside those areas can help. And I oftentimes change up my "corner" cleaning. If I did the corners in the living room this weekend, then I will do the corners in the dining room the next weekend. I continue to rotate so I don't feel so overwhelmed.
It is also a good idea to wash the dustpan and the bristles of the broom frequently. If using a vacuum cleaner, clean the rollers and any containers attached.
And I will freely admit, I oftentimes toss the broom and dustpan outside and buy a new one for inside. The two shall n'er meet again . . .
Third, some people swear that a dehumidifier will keep the humidity low and reduce dust mites. This may also depend upon where you live as well as how air-tight your house is. I have not given it a dehumidifier a try, but I very well might someday. Dust mites can be serious allergy triggers for some individuals, and I am no exception.
Fourth, install roller blinds in windows and use cloth curtains that are easier to wash.
Now, frankly, I have no blinds at all. I find them extremely difficult to keep dust-free. When I had them, I was always pulling them open the minute I awakened. A cave dweller I am not. Instead, I seek the sun like a flower in a dense forest of weeds.
So long ago, I just went back to only curtains. I close them at night if I want (or sometimes I don't bother with even that), and I wash them at least twice a year.
Fifth, use a microfiber cloth for dusting. This also works great for picking up pet hair., and if you are a pet lover like me, pet hair can follow you around like a plague!
And now - I'm off to dust and mop. I may not be a fan of cleaning, but I very much, enormously and conceivably, love a clean house!
Happy dust removal to you and yours!